Mrs. D. Sai Geetha
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the World.
– Nelson Mandela
I aspire to be the creator of a pathway that widens the horizons in the field of education. It is my personal feeling that, there is a rapid change in the young minds and the situations around them; hence we have a responsible and important role to play in their lives in meeting great challenges ahead. In order to congregate the ideas that students perceive, it is our duty to create a platform to know the world across. It is a necessity in the present day world to have more diversified thoughts and most importantly, decision making. To accomplish this, we are working at various levels which have been a boon for my children.
My team of teachers has been working with great vigour to embed the life skills in the curriculum. This has helped my students and teachers to know the value of life and respect each other.
Every child in my campus is creative and intelligent, so this platform has enhanced and nurtured their own-self to high order thinking or as in management thoughts-“Thinking Out of the box”. Let me help them reach out to a vast extent as sky is not the limit for learning.