Activity Based Teaching Concept

Tell me and I’ll forget, Show me and I may not remember . Involve me, and I’ll understand. - Native American Saying
As per research done by Dr. Howard Gardener, humans have eight kinds of intelligences or learning styles and if they are taught through the one in which they are strongest in, they tend to learn faster. Different Strokes for different folks. Hence every child has a distinct learning style and we at ROYAL PARK identify and enrich the learning style of every individual student by adopting the PLAY WAY METHOD of teaching.
"Play is work to the child"
At ROYAL PARK - Learning is transmitted through "play." And the more we devise play type activities to get our objective across, the easier it will be for the student to learn. Play is very important at this stage, even if it is unstructured out in the playground type of play, every activity done will have some element of learning in it.
Hence, activity based teaching is the basis of the academic methodology at ROYAL PARK across all levels – pre-primary to secondary. The learning milieu draws a link with real life experiences. The activity-based method, therefore, weaves into its fold, ample scope for projects, experiments, field trips based on the school syllabus for each class and 'hands on experience' that develops the faculties of reasoning and application.
Futuristic Approach

In order to keep pace with the technological advancements, the school provides conceptual learning supported by multimedia resources such as audio, visuals and animation. These are also supported with relevant power point presentations, graphics and illustrations that are easy to understand, grasp, and remember. The multimedia-enriched way of learning is an attractive option to students, unlike books that tend to be boring. It helps create energy and excitement in the students.